Did it fix all their issues? Of course not. It was refreshing seeing Omar happy and carefree and while both had issues adjusting, seeing stepping up for his boy when Ander`s dad was a prick was empowering. Omar meanwhile after liberating himself from his father`s grip was living his truth as loud as he could and Ander wasn`t really loving the sound. It felt a bit out of character for Ander to keep Polo`s secret but having someone`s death on your conscious certainly doesn`t feel nice either. Living together after 3 months of dating certainly didn`t help, still, keeping such a big secret when you are currently all about your truth put a damper on Ander. Ander finding out Polo`s truth certainly put a torn into his relationship with Omar and neither handled it well. It certainly served as a way to create a stronger bond between the two, who previously barely shared screentime, as it set up the further story of the season. Polo jerking Ander off (with Guzman sleeping next to them) was certainly a shocker. And nevertheless, I found their path this season very authentic, even though it had a bit too much drama.
#Carla elite season 2 hair full
And while Ander multiple times said that 10 minutes somewhere in the dark isn`t enough, he wasn`t ready to meet full on Omar. The main theme going through their story this season was: Is love enough? The rollercoaster ride these two took this season was filled with pouty faces, friendly jerk offs, drag styles and self-discovery.

Being the greatest, the richest, the one with the best boyfriend. Is it wrong? Of course, but that is the only thing she knows. A Bench who was brought up thinking she is superior and she could spend time only with the "likes of her". She is phenomenal and awful at the same time. The question is, will this change Lu? I love Lu. He idolized her, idolized her care and compassion and as she stripped it all away and showed her dark colors he realized that what he felt for her wasn`t really love. The way Valerio destroyed her afterward was simply cruel, to be honest. As the writers went ahead an alienated Lu from everything she thought of worthy the hook up was inevitable. The forbidden fruit is a story that goes through so many shows and is handled in very different manners. And while I don`t really get why the had to be half-sibling, would`ve been just as gross if they were step-siblings, the writers wanted to go dark with them and show how lonely it is in their situation. Ugh! Isn`t this enough about them? I really got chills as I`ve realized the writers indeed were heading that way. So let`s see where her story heads in season 3 She didn`t stash that trophy away out of the purest place of her heart. Cayetana at her core is just girl tired of the tough life she and her mother had to go through and after taking away all of the make up she put on her life you see a hard-working smart girl who just wanted to be accepted. Her being an accomplice to a murderer, certainly doesn`t give her a freebie to heaven yet shows how grateful and loyal she is. Prejudice and classism is something very deeply rooted in our society no matter where you live and the desire to be accepted is as old as age. And while I don`t support the way she handled herself, after seeing how nasty Lu and the others were to the trio last season I can`t really blame her. Her story was a nice mirror of society and the way kids think they have to act and present themselves to be popular and accepted. It really brought up some rage issues with me, mistreating parents always does it with me. Cayetana meanwhile didn`t make herself very popular by the way she treated her mother.